Dental Emergencies
Dental Emergencies?
It is no fun if your little one is in pain, so for dental emergencies, please contact our office. If your child has experienced head trauma or a life-threatening event, please call 911 or take your child to the nearest emergency room.
Here are some common dental emergencies:
Cut lip, cheek, or tongue:
Apply a cold compress to the areas that are bleeding. Motrin or Tylenol may be given to reduce pain and inflammation. Should you need further assistance, please call Ozark Pediatric Dentistry to schedule an appointment.
Broken, chipped, or fractured tooth:
If your child breaks off a piece of tooth, use a cold compress to reduce swelling and try and find the pieces of the tooth. Contact
our office immediately to schedule an appointment.
Knocked out tooth:
If your child knocked out a PERMANENT tooth, put the tooth in milk, making sure to handle the tooth by the crown. Call our office immediately. If you act quickly, you may be able to save the tooth.
If your child knocked out a BABY tooth, it cannot be placed back in the child’s mouth. Call to schedule an appointment, as the dentist will want to discuss post-trauma instructions. Save the tooth and bring it to the appointment and then it can go to the Tooth Fairy.
If your child complains of a toothache, schedule an appointment with us as soon as possible. In the meantime, keep your child comfortable with Motrin or Tylenol. *If your child is having problems breathing or seeing, or has swelling in the neck or eye area, go to the nearest emergency room.